You can sense it, can't you? When a storm is about to break?
The clouds darken, the temperature plummets, the winds begins wailing.
It is more than physical signs that show the change, however.
It could be a feeling, a gut signal, an emotional trigger,
that something "different" is about to happen,
something is about to begin, whether good or ill.
Storms are uncontrollable, wild, in nature,
they are ominous and cantankerous,
unpredictable and often unstoppable.
Storms vary, in intensity, in reach
leaving something in their wake.
Destruction has been wreaked,
blizzards wipe out power,
rain has flooded homes.
One thing is absolutely certain,
once a storm has arisen,
lives are never exactly the same.
Storms cause indescribable havoc,
the one thing about storms is...
Storms change perspective,
revealing what was there all along
showing what wasn't there before,
Storms arrange and rearrange.
Fires destroy, but purify.
Hurricanes spell tragedy,
but bring about bravery.
Tornadoes inadvertently
smash evil witches
(or so I've read).
When storms arise,
there is opportunity:
for greatness,
for healing
for good,
for hope,
the end